Israel 2028: Clean Tech Policy Symposia
In partnership with the Samuel Neaman Institute, USISTF hosted a Clean Tech Policy Symposia in March at Tel Aviv College that drew together leaders from Israel’s clean tech industry, academia and policy worlds to discuss the state of the Clean Tech industry in Israel. USISTF Executive Director, Ann Liebschutz gave a presentation about trends in R & D funding of Clean Tech innovation in the U.S. Federal Government while other participants presented analysis of the regulatory, Venture Capital and R & D environment in Israel. The results of the symposia have been published in Hebrew and English and contributed to the Samuel Neaman Institute being awarded a prize in Environmental Policy.
We are pleased to offer you these reports to download for free. The reports include presentations made primarily in Hebrew with a few presentations, including that by Ann Liebschutz, in English. The reports analyze the current state of the Clean Tech Industry in Israel and evaluation challenges to its further development.
Please click here to download the Clean Tech Symposia Full Report (Primarily in Hebrew)