Presenting the U.S.-Israel Innovation Index to the U.S. Department of State

Presenting the U.S.-Israel Innovation Index to the U.S. Department of State

March 23rd 2012

The USISTF had the privilege of presenting the U.S.-Israel Innovation Index to science and technology and Near East focused professional staff at the U.S. Department of State. They invited us to share our work as they believe that the USI3 could be used as a tool to measure relationships beyond U.S. relationships but for regions to evaluate the impact of their innovation relationships.

Some ideas that came out of our discussions were looking at metrics that specifically come from intellectual property sections of trade and investment agreements which help show the strength of the innovation partnership. We discussed the importance of examining aspects of investment environments to understand their linkages to innovation relations. There is also a continued interest in learning more about the venture capital relationships between the countries and a desire to continue utilizing the USI3 to illuminate the results of trade relationships.

We are looking forward to kicking off the development process of the 2012 Index next week and considering new countries to add and deepening our analysis of the factors that impact innovation.

Share your comments with us. What bi-lateral linkage indicators measure innovation relationships to you? How do you use the USI3 to guide your work?